
Worker Justice

Meet Our Staff

Rebecca Meier-Rao

Rebecca Meier-Rao

Executive Director

What inspires me about Worker Justice Wisconsin is the way it addresses problems that are very much in our midst and yet invisible to most people: things like wage theft, discriminatory practices, and the abuse of low-wage and immigrant workers. I am proud to work with people who are passionate and relentless in their pursuit of justice, and who are committed to empowering all workers to stand up for their rights!

Socorro Cortez

Socorro Cortez

Worker Organizer

When I suffered from discrimination at my workplace, I wasn’t sure where to turn, I found Worker Justice WI and they were able to help me file a complaint. During mediation, we successfully resolved my complaint. I was so grateful for the assistance that I received that I decided to become a full time volunteer advocate, and was eventually hired on. I love having the opportunity to help workers with problems I know so well. I am so thankful to have a resource like this in our community and it is so important to me that we continue to help workers like myself!

Robert Christl

Program Director

Born and raised in Alabama, I moved to Madison in 2015 to pursue a doctoral degree in the Department of History at UW. I also joined the graduate-worker union, the Teaching Assistants Association, and quickly became involved as a member and then officer. My historical research on working-class intellectuals and my experience with unionism have made me a strong supporter of the labor movement. I am thrilled to join Worker Justice Wisconsin and to participate in local efforts to grow a rank-and-file, democratic, intersectional, and internationalist movement of workers.

Frida Ballard

Worker Organizer

I am excited to be a part of Worker Justice Wisconsin and provide support for workers in my community. I have worked as a community medical interpreter and have seen the harm that is done to Latiné workers in Wisconsin. My background in housing cooperatives in Austin, TX as well as Madison has led me into creating more inclusive low-income housing. WJW allows me to continue that role in creating more opportunities to build power through worker cooperatives and collective worker organizing. I’m extremely grateful to work with such a dedicated group of people that I can also relate to personally and culturally.

Garnet Monthie

Business Manager

I’m happy for the opportunity to work with Worker Justice Wisconsin as their Business Manager. My varied experience in business and marketing will help WJW as the team strives toward their goals and growth within the surrounding communities. Knowing my everyday efforts at WJW helps enable workers to become educated, understand their rights (many of us take for granted), and ultimately fight for these rights as a worker along with other labor leaders and faith organizations is very rewarding.