
Worker Justice

Collective Worker Power

Workers often come to our center with the belief that their problem is individual. But this is simply not the case. Things like wage theft, discrimination and unsafe working conditions are all too common in Wisconsin.

When we deal with our workplace grievances individually, we have very little power. Even if we succeed in our individual discrimination case or in recovering our stolen wages, the process can take a long time, and it does not stop the problem from happening again. Bad bosses continue treating their employees badly with little to no consequences.

If you give me a fish, you have fed me for a day. If you teach me to fish, you have fed me until the river is contaminated or the shoreline seized for development. But if you teach me to organize, then whatever the challenge, I can join together with my peers and we will fashion our own solution.”

Ricardo Levins

When workers come together and act collectively -

We have the power to hold employers accountable, have our workplace demands met, and change public policies. Why?

  • Simply put, we have more courage when we act together
  • The more workers join the fight, the more likely the employer will have to listen and the less likely they will be able to retaliate 
  • Getting community allies involved gives workers a public voice and increases public support. Lean more about WJW’s Faith, Labor and Community allies.
  • Workers are protected by law as long as we act collectively (see Protected Concerted Activity under the NLRA)

Worker Justice Wisconsin builds collective worker power through a membership program that brings workers and allies together regularly, builds community bonds, and trains for collective actions. Click here to learn more about WJW’s membership program, and become a member today!

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