
Worker Justice

What is Labor in the Pulpits/on the Bimah/In the Minbar?

Labor in the Pulpits/on the Bimah/In the Minbar is...​

…a September-long program that provides religious congregations the opportunity to lift up the dignity of work, support especially low-wage and immigrant workers, and speak to the experience of essential workers in Wisconsin and around the country. It is also a time to commit ourselves to improving jobs so that workers have wages, benefits and work hours that allow them to be self-sufficient and live lives of wholeness.

Here's how faith and community allies can get and stay involved with Worker Justice Wisconsin...from our staff!

Historically, during Labor Day weekend (or the month of September), faith leaders participate by sharing a reflection or sermon on worker justice with their respective communities during a worship service or education session. For this year’s program, we invite you to consider the theme, “Being Faith Allies,” and reflect on this question: As people of faith, what is our role in ensuring that low-wage and immigrant workers are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve?

We at WJW also understand that you have many demands on your time as a faith leader. With this in mind, we offer different ways to be involved in this program as outlined below. In addition, our 2022 Resource Packet and other resources on this page can help you in your planning process.

Ways Faith Allies Can Participate:

  • Share our WJW resources with your community:
    • Distribute our 2-page WJW handout to your community (see the last two pages of this year’s resource packet)
    • Post our video to your social media (available on our YouTube channel on Friday, August 26th)
    • Invite a WJW member to speak to your community (the deadline to request a speaker is Monday, August 15th)
  • Personally educate your community about worker justice:
    • Create and share a video about worker justice
    • Preach or present on worker justice in your community during a service or education session in September
  • Financially support our advocacy work:
    • Take up a collection to support the work of Worker Justice Wisconsin
    • Donate specifically to the worker solidarity fund
    • Become a community member ally (through our membership program)

Our preparation resources can be found in the next section. If you have any questions during your planning process, please contact our Faith Outreach Coordinator, Gretchen Baumgardt, at faithoutreach@workerjustice.org. Thank you!

2021 Faith Leader Videos